Tag Archive for westchester property tax reduction

Do you have money to burn?

The deadline for grieving Village taxes in Westchester County, New York is February 18th and it is approaching fast.  Many homeowners and Real Estate professionals do not realize that there is a separate grievance period for the Village portion of the Property taxes.

While this portion of the tax bill is significantly smaller than the Town and County bill and certainly smaller than our monstrous School tax bills, it is still significant and should be reviewed for fairness.

Typically I am able to get my clients reductions of $500 to over $1,000 on their Village bills, and it sets a great precedent for the Town, County, and School challenge later in the year.

How much is enough to make a grievance worthwile?  When you stop to think about it, who do you know that refuses a discount at the food store? car wash? restaurant? and the list goes on.  However, when it comes to property tax people overpay by hudreds, even thousands, for years and years.

So take the time to review your assessments and the assessments of your clients and get off to a good start in 2014, and if you don’t need the savings there are a bunch of good charities that would be very thankful for a donation.

If you need any help don’t hesitate to contact me at TaxGrievanceSpecialist.com