
If you are wondering if we can help, let us do a complimentary review for you.

The information that you provide on this form will be kept confidential and help us determine if you are in fact being over taxed. You will be contacted within 48 hours.


    Your Name (required)

    Street Address




    Your Email (required)

    What style of house do you have?

    What is the approximate square footage of your house, not including the basement?

    How many bedrooms?

    How many bathrooms?

    Do you have a basement?


    Is it finished?


    When was your house built?

    When did you purchase your home?

    What was the purchase price?


    What size lot do you have (acreage)?

    Special Features:

    River/Water ViewLake/Pond/StreamTennis CourtIn Ground Swimming Pool

    Questions, Comments, or Anything Else I should know?